Bishop Michael Hutton-Wood is:- the Senior Pastor of the fast-growing House of Judah (Praise) Ministries, in the United Kingdom with a mandate to RAISE GENERATIONAL LEADERS TO IMPACT NATIONS by empowering them to RELEASE THEIR POTENTIAL AND MAXIMIZE DESTINY.
- the President of Michael Hutton-Wood Ministries (The Hutton-Wood World Outreach Ministry), with a strong apostolic mandate to set in order the things that are out of order
- the Principal of Generational Leadership Training Institute (AKA: THE LEADERS' FACTORY) where leaders are developed and released into greatness and
- the Director Of Leaders Factory International, an international leadership training organisation with a driving passion for organising and empowering both youth and adults through city-wide, nation-wide and international conferences and seminars on leadership development, human capacity building and wealth creation.
- the founder of SIMPA - SCEPTRE INTERNATIONAL MINISTERS AND PASTORS ASSOCIATION to provide spiritual covering and needed mentorship for pastors, leaders and ministers.
- He is a leadership coach, mentor, pastor of pastors, a worship leader, an author, a prolific writer, a humorous and sound preacher and teacher of the Word and in great demand as an international conference speaker and motivational speaker. His leadership and Pastors and Ministers training manuals are in great demand and being used and producing phenomenal results in churches, Bible Colleges and in the corporate world. He is Married to Bernice, also a minister of the gospel and they are blessed with two children who are also actively involved in ministry.